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This document only applies when using https://github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo/tree/main/render. Please see github.com/gobuffalo/plush for more details on the underlying templating package.


You can call your partials using partial plush helper:

<form action="/users/" method="POST">
<!-- form content here  -->
<h1>Create New User</h1>

<%= partial("users/form.html") %>
<h1>Create New User</h1>

<form action="/users/" method="POST">
<!-- form content here  -->


All rendering context from the parent template will automatically pass through to the partial, and any partials that partial may call. (see also Context)

func UsersEdit(c buffalo.Context) error {
	user := User{
		Name: "John Smith",
	// ...
	c.Set("user", user)
	return c.Render(http.StatusOK, render.HTML("users/edit.plush.html"))
<h1>User to edit: <strong><%= user.Name %></strong></h1>

<%= partial("users/form.plush.html") %>
<form action="/users/<%= user.ID %>/">
<!-- form content here  -->
<h1>User to edit: <strong>John Smith</strong></h1>

<form action="/users/<%= user.ID %>/">
<!-- form content here  -->

Local Context

In addition to have the global context, you can set additional variable only for partials as “local” variables.

func ColorsHandler(c buffalo.Context) error {
  colors := map[string]interface{}{
		"White":  "#FFFFFF",
		"Maroon": "#800000",
		"Red":    "#FF0000",
		"Purple": "#800080",

	c.Set("colors", colors)
	return c.Render(http.StatusOK, r.HTML("colors/index.plush.html"))
<div class="list">
  <%= for (name, code) in colors { %>
      <%= partial("colors/details.plush.html", {colorName: name, hexCode: code}) %>
  <% } %>
  <span>Color: <%= colorName %></span>
  <span>Hex Code: <strong><%= hexCode %></strong></span>
<div class="list">
    <span>Color: White</span>
    <span>Hex Code: <strong>#FFFFFF</strong></span>
    <span>Color: Maroon</span>
    <span>Hex Code: <strong>#800000</strong></span>
    <span>Color: Red</span>
    <span>Hex Code: <strong>#FF0000</strong></span>
    <span>Color: Purple</span>
    <span>Hex Code: <strong>#800080</strong></span>


Partials are not much different from standard templates in Buffalo. They include all of the same helpers as well.